Medical ultrasound is otherwise known as ultrasonography and it is used to see internal structures that are in the body. This can include everything from muscles to vessels, joints and even internal organs. Ultrasound works by using a high frequency sound wave to take a look inside the body and unlike an x-ray, you won’t be exposed to any radiation and there are no side effects either so you can feel confident knowing that it is extremely safe and suitable for everyone. So why would you need to undergo ultrasound? Many doctors choose to use ultrasound with their patients because it helps them to find out if there are any problems within the body that may be affecting the lifestyle of the patient.
If you are having problems with your hand however, you may find that there is a problem with your tendon, your joint or even your muscles in general. A doctor may not be able to find this out using basic diagnostic procedures alone and it can also help to provide the practitioner with valuable insight when it comes to the patient and the problems that they are experiencing. Ultrasound imaging does not hurt in the slightest and your practitioner will show you exactly how it works when you go in for your appointment so you really don’t have anything to worry about in this instance.
If you would like to find out more about our ultrasound imaging service or if you would like to see how we can help you to get the peace of mind you need to feel confident in making your appointment then all you need to do is get in touch with our team today. We are always here to help and your happiness is always our number one priority so don’t hesitate to give us a call.
The MyLab™One/Touch is a revolutionary high performance arm-held ultrasound scanner with a 12″ full touch-screen display. Due to its lightness and portability, it can be used even without a worktop, in complete autonomy by a single operator.
The MyLab™One/Touch dedicated ultrasound system reflects perfectly today’s need for diagnostic capabilities in many different fields of application: Radiology, Cardiology, Phlebology, Womens’ Healthcare, Orthopaedics, Regional Anaesthesia, Sports Medicine, Interventional, Rheumatology, First-aid, Emergency, Vascular screening, General Practice.